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Ageing Well Hub

People are living longer, and this means there are more older people in our population. In the UK, someone 65 years old today can expect to live to 85 and it is estimated that one in 5 babies born today will live to see their 100th birthday.  

Plymouth's Ageing Well programme responds to this and is working to achieve our overall vision for Plymouth to be: one of Europe's most vibrant waterfront cities, where an outstanding quality of life is enjoyed by everyone and where age is no barrier.  

We can often think ageing is a problem to be solved. We are committed to changing this, seeing ageing as an opportunity and older people as valued members of our community. We want to ensure that our city provides the best environment and chances for everyone to thrive as they age.  

We've created this Ageing Well Hub to make it easy for people to find information about some of the things that help us to age well.  

  • We want all the places and spaces in Plymouth to be accessible and welcoming to all people, whatever their age

  • As we age there are lots of things we might need a bit of help with - from paying our bills, to keeping our homes warm to understanding what benefits we are entitled to

  • As we age there are lots of things we can do to keep ourselves well

  • Getting about your local area is a key to Ageing Well

  • Getting involved in things that interest us both through paid employment, training and voluntary pursuits is really positive for our physical and mental wellbeing as we age

  • We are committed to making the city a great place for people to grow old where older residents are supported and empowered to live life to the fullest