The contactless tap-to-give boxes let you donate £2 to homeless charities in Plymouth
Donating in this way guarantees that your change goes to the most vulnerable homeless people.
Tap-to-give at:
- The Bodyshop
- Haberdashery Store
- Market Hall Duke St, Devonport, Plymouth PL1 4PS
- Cosmic Kitchen, Plymouth PL1 2AY
- HSBC, Old Town Street
If you are a business interested in becoming a host or sponsor, contact Community Connections.
Email: CommunityConnections@plymouth.gov.uk
Sponsors of the tap-to-give boxes:
- Plymouth Community Homes
- Real Ideas Organisation
- Plymouth Against Retail Crime
- Plymouth Market
- City Centre and Waterfront BIDs
How you can help
Use the contactless tap-to-give devices around the city to donate £2 to support homeless people.
Donate or volunteer at Plymouth Soup Run.
Let us know about people sleeping rough
The StreetLink app lets you send a location to the Plymouth homeless team. We will visit and check to make sure that person receives the support they need.