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Mindful Art and Mandalas with On Course South West at Southway Library


This introductory course offers an opportunity to explore a range of meditative, artistic and technical ways to create mandalas and how to use them with Mindfulness for self-exploration.

Mandalas have an ancient origin which Buddhist Monks still use today using coloured sand as a compassionate meditation practice. However, the process of creating circular and other repeating geometric patterns and shapes with any coloured or monochrome media is an enjoyable and healthy way to relax the mind and recover the body from fatigue.

It begins by training the mind to stop overthinking (when the mind is tired, so is the body), achieving inner calmness and making space for fresh inspirations and energy. From this perspective, mandalas are known to support a connection with the intuitive self. Hence, each session will begin with a guided meditation. You will receive full tutor support and guidance throughout and will have a mandala each week to take home.

This course is run by our partners On Course South West. To find out more information and enrol on the course visit the On Course South West website.

Location: Southway Library