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The vast majority of planning applications we receive are decided by the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure on behalf of the Council (known as delegated powers). The remaining small percentage of planning applications are often bigger and more sensitive (including major developments of green field sites) are decided by the Planning Committee.

A complete list of matters decided by the committee can be found by looking at the Council Constitution.

The committee is made up of 13 councillors who meet every four weeks, normally at 4pm on a Thursday in the Council House. You can raise any planning application concerns with your councillor.

Attending the committee

All meetings are held in public (with the exception of occasional confidential matters) and you can watch it live on our webcasts or attend the meeting in person. If you attend the meeting, you'll be given a copy of the meeting's agenda which lists out the planning applications that are to be decided at that meeting.

Speaking at the committee

Once an item appears on the agenda (available five working days prior to the meeting) you can register to speak on that item. If you wish to speak at the Committee meeting email [email protected] or call 01752 305155. You will need to state the planning application number and whether you are the applicant, agent or a third party supporter or objector to the proposal. You must also provide your name and address. If you're a third party you'll only be able to speak if you have made written representation within the 21 day consultation period. Application within the statutory public consultation period.

If you want to present material at Planning Committee you must advise the case officer or Democratic Support Officer by 4.30pm at least two working days before the Planning Committee. 

You're only allowed to speak for a maximum of five minutes. After this time you'll have no further involvement in the deliberations of the committee. If an application is deferred, you can speak again when the application returns to the committee, but you must register again. 

The order of speakers is:

  • Planning Officer
  • Ward Member
  • Objector
  • Supporter

You are not allowed to:

  • address questions to the committee or planning officers (your questions should be submitted in writing at least five complete working days before the meeting, these will then be added at the beginning of the agenda)
  • distribute papers, plans or other material at the committee
  • interrupt other speakers
  • interrupt the committee debate 
  • make slanderous, discriminatory or inflammatory remarks